Monday, November 07, 2005

Shopping Online

I have been debating the whole e-shop thing with Rare Device. I really want the store to be a place to touch stuff and try things on and flip through pages, but it seems ridiculous these days to ignore all of you savvy design shoppers not in NYC. Today I got a call from a fellow in Sweden who wanted some things. I think this is a sign.

So - I'll be working on setting up online shopping. But if you come to New York, you must visit! Part of the dilemma is that I want to offer 'rare' items, and so coordinating the online buying with accurate inventory levels is a bit harder, but I'll work on it.

Today was bag day. I visited some showrooms and have picked out some awesome things for spring, and some items in time for the holidays. I will say no more right now but I will get pictures up when things come in.

I know that Carol's super Undesigned clothing will be arriving this week, and some cool messengers from Silent Revolution. Finding the perfect bag is agonizing, I know, so I'm trying to have as many styles as I can cram into the store. I believe I'll have more reading material too, from fun and inexpensive zines to limited-edition art books.

I must sign off as I must get ready for the Gen Art Shopping Spree tomorrow night. I will be selling my jewelry and distributing Rare Device postcards to entice you to take the subway and visit the shop.


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