Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It is so cold today that even Sal, the stalwart UPS guy in my hood, who never bundles up is wearing a hat and gloves. The wind is something awful which might explain why I can't quite shake this cold I have, and why everyone who comes in wants a piece of Kleenex!

While it is slow, the back of my mind churns about how I want winter, and spring to look at the shop. Please, now is the time to tell me if you think I should have more of one thing or less of another.

New at the shop - more really interesting reading for you, actually some books that are more about imagery than words - a book of whimsical Japanese fashion illustrations, a visual essay of abandoned bicycles locked to poles, a catalog/zine from an LA art show curated by David Choe, a McSweeneys publication of art based on confiscated notes from school children, and the collected 'Black Hole', a rather groundbreaking comic book (graphic novel?) by Charles Burns. I also have Jordan Crane's journey/fairytale 'The Clouds Above' back in stock, and two giant hardcover collections of Love and Rockets stories, but I might keep those to myself...

We hear we'll be in yet another gift guide tomorrow in the Daily News. Yay for press!


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