Saturday, February 17, 2007

Year of the Pig

Happy New Year! It's the Year of the Pig, or rather Golden Pig, which only happens every 5 cycles of the zodiac (60 years) so if you know anyone turning 60 this year, they are very lucky indeed!

We might be open a tad late but we'll be open. We have hung the new pendant light in the window and it is just amazing when it's on. Come by and check it out.

In other news, Brooklyn Designs is coming and this year they are going to do a Mart, a little marketplace for Brooklyn-made goods. Info and an application is here.

A nice lady who works down the street at one of the yoga places came in for a new journal today, as she just ran out of space in her last one. She said she really appreciated interesting, handmade journals because when you fill one up, it's as if you become part of the work. I thought that was the nicest thing I heard all day. I told her that we'd be getting a slew of new notebooks from Mustertussi any day now - they are the epitome of thought and intent and action, all in a neatly sewn package. I am so excited to get these for the shop.


At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chinese zodiac signs
2007 is the Chinese Red Female Pig Year - Red being equivalent to the element of Fire, and Female because 2007 is a Yin Fire year.

The Pig is the 12th and final sign of the Chinese Zodiac and the New Year begins on the 18th February. 2006 was the year of the Fire Dog and was a year of structure. This year will focus on making things comfortable and finishing off unfinished projects and achieving goals. The year of the Fire Pig is meant to be auspicious bringing good fortune and prosperity. It is an excellent year to marry and have children. However it will not be a peaceful year, wars and natural disasters, particularly those connected to fire and water such as bushfires, volcanos, floods and tsunamis will occur causing the economy to blow hot and cold. Rising real estate prices will continue and homeowners and builders will do well. Fire Pig is well known for luck in money and speculation, particularly for those who share and do good deeds for the poor.


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