Rare Device
Friday, December 02, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Aida Dirse
Aida Dirse's lovely handmade bowls were front and center in Time Out..they have a "chipped" exterior and the interiors are all different, in abstract spots and dots and lines in many colors. I have 10 new bowls at the shop, many are displayed in the front window. The new bowls range from $45 to $72. If you are not in New York and would like one for a gift, I will take some pictures, just let me know.
Also just in from Lithuania are a few gorgeous ornaments for your tree. Two very different styles from two designers, one has a crystal glaze and is hung on a ribbon, and the other is a white globe, pierced all over (looks like a crumpet to me) with three large gold spots. That description didn't really do it any justice so I'll just have to take pictures of it as well. There are also a few pillow covers in linen and wool for those who don't need the pillow form but want a change around their house.
Erika of Mellifluous Couture brought by a few "live in them everyday" blouses and a super brown jacket with built in tie/scarf and very cool wood buttons. Pippi the mannequin is sporting this right now, along with the Fire First tote bag that I am selling from the website.
If you need to organize your space, I have magnetic strips in bright colors, just put them on your wall and put up all your to-do lists, photos and postcards with their tiny and strong magnets (included). There is also a pocket strip version, also magnetic but with a short pocket to hold taller objects. I think I need to just line my office with these, all the way around the room.
More from our favorites: yummy soap and also a tangerine/lemongrass gift set, boxed and wrapped and ready to go, from The Bubble Roome. Ladder scarves in two new colors and some matching armwarmers from Smith & Hone. And a few new gift tags from yours truly.
Speaking of yours truly, I am trying to finish a scarf I started, it is a mistake rib but the ribs run diagonally. If there are any die-hard knitters out there I could use a hand, I can't remember the pattern.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I have just received a few necklaces from I. Ronni Kappos - she is in LA and works with vintage German glass beads, making amazing pop constructions out of them on delicate silk cord. These are truly little works of art.
Also, I have a few new letterpress items from Sapling Press. There are cards on extremely textured handmade paper, with deep inked impressions, and very nice wine tags for the ubiquitous holiday party present. These tags dress up a bottle and also let your host/ess know who it's from.
Back in stock - Maggie Powers' lovely chapbook The Heart is Also A Furnace, plus more stump teapots, this time in a retro aqua blue.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Kudos to Serious Gnome, featured in the Cool Hunting 2005 Gift Guide as an exclusive gift pick. The editors seem to have a skull thang going on right now, that's all I'm gonna say :) Check out Coolhunting.com for more information. Personally I want the tattoo sneakers and chocolate almonds, too...