Friday, May 12, 2006


We're so happy that Augustine made Daily Candy SF today. We love this supersoft clothing line, somehow it is laid-back and stylish at the same time...that would be the California factor! We have limited sizes in cream and brown right now (and Sodafine in Ft. Greene has the really cute dress in stock as well).

Thursday, May 11, 2006


It didn't rain, there were dachshunds underfoot - well, just one - and we ran out of lemonade first. Who knew? But a good time was had by all at Lena's reception! Thanks Lena and Grace for being lovely hostesses.

Restocked: Polli earrings and necklaces, some designs you've seen, some you haven't.
On the way: more Beehouse teapots including that sexy celadon number.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Still Life

The world looks different at night. Creeping to bed late, I noticed a little arrangement on top of my jewelry box, and took a picture. It struck me as very unlike what you'd think I would like, based on what I pick for the store. Here is the picture, complete with Very Authentic Dust Markings.

So, I decided to take some shots around the house, and I think it's a bit more representative of Rare Device, though a little more artsy. I haven't updated the art for years so maybe that's why. All of these things are in my office/studio.

Photos of Istanbul, cardumom chiclets, art from 20 Things swap, some of my old promotional material, buttons, crazy origami mobile from the crazy origami mobile store in Vancouver.

Let's see, David Huffman painting, a Polaroid transfer by me, mousetrap art from a friend, little collected things from the Post-Postcard shows in San Francisco. Letterpress case/ephemera was a freebie. And my name, written in Chinese. I still can't draw this one.

Things from Post-Postcard shows or the Addison Endpapers housecleaning sales in Oakland. I do love my tiny artwork.

Doggie Dreams

At this moment my pup Mia is lying across her bed, dreaming. I can tell because she is making hiccup noises. Dreaming about hiccups? She's bound to wake herself up soon, probably when the dream gets scary and the hiccups stop, right?

Today we received a few fun and ever so soft printed tees from Heavy Rotation. They're in Wisconsin I believe and the shirts are lovely colors with hand-drawn illustrations, versus the computer-generated sort that happens sometimes. They are pretty lovely. I got one skinny-strap tank with a swinging, wayward chandelier on it cuz that's my design mascot, somehow.

Tomorrow night is the reception! Lena and I plundered the Trader Joe snack and drink aisles so at the very least come eat some peanut butter-filled pretzels and not-Charles Shaw wine. Lena has kindly created a few small posters printed on a muslin and they are available at the shop too. Her plates can be seen in the brand-new Elle Decor UK, the June issue.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Neighborhood News

Last year, when Rare Device was but a twinkling in my eye, I talked to a woman named Denise about possibly finding shop space together. Well that didn't work out but I just found out that she has just opened her own store! It's called Beryl (named after her grandmother) and has limited hours for now, but is definitely open on the weekends. It's at 64 6th Ave near Bergen and Dean and will feature her own home decor designs plus other home accessories. Congrats, Denise!

In the press: more congrats to Jezebel and Ferdinand, whose greeting cards were featured in last weekend's Times style special.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dinner Out

In extremely unrelated-to-the-store news, this shopkeeper is approaching her wedding anniversary and would like some opinions on where to go have a nice dinner. After the store closes, of course. It's the third anniversary, which is "leather", which is not so good to eat!

Reminder to all: Lena Corwin reception, Thursday night, come and say hello. Thanks to Lucky for listing us in their weekly event calendar.

And then: Friday I'll be at Brooklyn Designs, checking out the coolness and maybe sneaking off to Jacque Torres at lunchtime.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Donna from Re-surface kindly dropped off some of her A-lights this weekend. She takes very textural and architectural photos in Brooklyn and applies them to lampshades and candle covers. We've got the A-light, a petite decorative lamp with a beechwood base, in 4 shade styles. Re-surface lighting will be in the State St townhouse as part of the Brooklyn Designs show next weekend, if you want to check it out in a home setting!

Candle alert: the Beccalights candle is going up in price a bit to cover rising costs by the designer, so when I run out, the new batch will reflect the price. Please shop accordingly!